How we support music educators across the North!

159 people have now subscribed to the Learning Resources Area of the Jazz North website since launching in October. It’s free to create an account and access our free and downloadable resources. As planned, a fresh batch of activities have now been added to the area and we are keen to hear from people that have tried using any of the materials in their various teaching situations. 

Initial feedback has been positive and our resources are scheduled to be featured in the next #CanDoMusic blog

Can Do Music is an umbrella organisation created by three music subject associations: Music Mark, the Music Teachers’ Association and the Independent Society of Musicians (ISM). It was formed to support school and instrumental music teachers and signpost them to inspiring and comprehensive resources to help deliver music in schools.

Part of the Jazz North Learning & Participation offer is creating a supportive network of music educators through termly online forum meetings. The next educator’s forum will be held on Friday 31st January from 4.00-5.00pm and focus on the topic of Youth Jazz Ensembles. If you are involved with running a youth jazz ensemble we would love to hear about your thoughts and experiences. 

Learning & Participation project manager Helena Summerfield will be joined by guest speaker Jo McCallum sharing news of her Youth Jazz Orchestra Commissions. We are delighted that composers Nikki Iles, Phil Meadows, Flo Taylor and Richard Jones will also be joining the conversation plus youth band leaders involved in the project.

To book your place at the forum please sign up through Eventbrite:

Flyer for the education forum - focus on youth jazz orchestras

Come and join the conversation!


Celebrating 7 Years ‘Jazz Camp for Girls’ in the UK


Youth Jazz Orchestra Commissions project enters the next stage